[Esip-drupal] RestWS + Drupal 7.37 critical issue

Adam Shepherd ashepherd at whoi.edu
Wed Jun 3 22:46:49 EDT 2015

	Hi fellow Drupalistas,

I came across this issue today on d.o that I thought needed to be shared. If you are using the restws module (Restful web services) to render content as JSON, RDF, or other formats. Take note that some of the changes to the NodeController class makes is such that a request to /node/1.json will now fail. This is a big one for my office BCO-DMO, so if it doesn't get fixed, we will have a gnarly rewrite on our hands. If you are in the same situation, and want to work on the problem, let me know!


I've added the issue to our Trello board here: 

cheers, Adam

ESIP Drupal Working Group
Co-Chair: David Bassendine                      david at bluedotlab.org
Co-Chair: Adam Shepherd 	                       ashepherd at whoi.edu

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