[Esip-drupal] Next Telecon - Wed, Sept 23rd - Open Discussion

Adam Shepherd ashepherd at whoi.edu
Thu Sep 17 07:42:54 EDT 2015

Hi fellow Drupalistas,

Our next telecon will 9/23 at noon PT / 3pm ET and we will just be having an open discussion. We have a few areas where some cool work is happening:

 - DOIs for Drupal entities, 
 - DataONE Member Node module, 
 - PROV-O for Drupal revisions,
 - using ElasticSearch with Drupal,
 - using Drupal Queues,
 - whatever you are working on,

Swing by the next telecon and hang out with us to talk Drupal!

Best Regards, 


ESIP Drupal Working Group
Co-Chair: David Bassendine                      david at bluedotlab.org
Co-Chair: Adam Shepherd 	                       ashepherd at whoi.edu

The Working Group gathers for monthly Telecons on 
the 4th Wednesday of every month at noon Pacific / 3pm Eastern
   Computer Access:
     - Go to https://esipfed.webex.com
     - From "Meeting Center" > select "Drupal Telecon" meeting
     - Password: 23136782
    - or - 
   Phone Access:
     - Toll-free (US/Canada): 1-877-668-4493

Drupal.org Group: https://groups.drupal.org/science-on-drupal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScienceOnDrupal
YouTube: goo.gl/B0t57T
Google+: http://goo.gl/w4KBJY

Mailing List: esip-drupal at lists.esipfed.org 

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