[Esip-drupal] Next telecon - Wed 28th

Adam Shepherd ashepherd at whoi.edu
Mon Oct 26 11:25:17 EDT 2015

Hey Drupalistas, 

I just wanted to send out a reminder that our next call is Wednesday, 10/28, at noon Pacific / 3pm Eastern. We'll be talking about the Winter Meeting, strategies for the coming year and progress updates on the DataONE Drupal module. Let me know if you have anything else you want to discuss on the call. 

Cheers, Adam

ESIP Drupal Working Group
Co-Chair: David Bassendine                      david at bluedotlab.org
Co-Chair: Adam Shepherd 	                       ashepherd at whoi.edu

The Working Group gathers for monthly Telecons on 
the 4th Wednesday of every month at noon Pacific / 3pm Eastern
   Computer Access:
     - Go to https://esipfed.webex.com
     - From "Meeting Center" > select "Drupal Telecon" meeting
     - Password: 23136782
    - or - 
   Phone Access:
     - Toll-free (US/Canada): 1-877-668-4493

Drupal.org Group: https://groups.drupal.org/science-on-drupal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScienceOnDrupal
YouTube: goo.gl/B0t57T
Google+: http://goo.gl/w4KBJY

Mailing List: esip-drupal at lists.esipfed.org 

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