[Esip-envirosensing] REMINDER: Registration Open! Techniques for Stream-Groundwater Investigations Workshop

Elizabeth Tran etran at cuahsi.org
Tue Apr 19 09:50:35 EDT 2016

Techniques for Stream-Groundwater Investigations Workshop
August 8 - 12, 2016 || Crested Butte, CO
Early Bird Registration Deadline: May 1st
Regular Registration Deadline: June 1st

This workshop will focus on quantifying stream-groundwater exchange using cutting-edge techniques: electrical resistivity, smart tracers, conservative tracers, heat tracing using distributed temperature sensing, and drones.  It will target on the novel data acquired using these four approaches to quantify the extent and dynamics of hyporheic exchange in alluvial aquifers, and locations of groundwater inflow to streams.

Workshop Objectives

1.    to introduce and train new users to novel techniques that can be used to investigate stream-groundwater interactions. Participants will learn to apply four novel techniques and learn related experimental design, data acquisition, data processing, and analysis issues for stream-groundwater interaction studies

2.    to stimulate discussion about how to appropriately apply these techniques and from where the next breakthroughs in quantifying stream-groundwater dynamics will come
Participants must bring a laptop with the Microsoft Office Suite installed - minimally Excel - as well as MATLAB if you use MATLAB.

Please be aware of the field and altitude components of this workshop. You must be prepared for cold and weather conditions when doing field work.

The course will be held at RMBL<http://www.rmbl.org/> in Crested Butte, CO. Course tuition, facilities costs, lodging, and all meals while on-site are included in the registration fee.

Visit the event website<http://www.cvent.com/d/cfqq19> for more information and to register<http://www.cvent.com/d/cfqq19/4W>.

A very limited number of student travel grants are available on a first come, first served basis to help defray the cost of travel to the course. Contact Elizabeth Tran at etran at cuahsi.org<mailto:etran at cuahsi.org> for more information.

Contact Elizabeth Tran at etran at cuahsi.org<mailto:etran at cuahsi.org>
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