[Esip-envirosensing] No July Envirosensing Meeting, Next meeting in August

Pignatelli, Anthony PIGNATEA at email.sc.edu
Tue Jun 25 09:04:20 EDT 2024

Hi Envirosensors,

The Cluster Leads decided to not hold a July Cluster Meeting since we will be having the in person ESIP Meeting at the end of the month. During the month of July, we will be working on sending out sensor kits that folks signed up for. (see here to sign up https://bit.ly/EnviroSensing24WS)

We will be having our next meeting in August (I'll send a reminder closer to the date). We will starting to work through the sensor kits at this meeting.

Looking forward to seeing some of you in Asheville!


Anthony J. Pignatelli, M.S.
Doctoral Researcher | Dallas Lab
ESIP Community Fellow | Envirosensing Cluster
Service Chair | Graduate Association of Biological Sciences
Department of Biological Sciences
University of South Carolina
Email: pignatea at email.sc.edu
Office: Earth & Water Science Building 601
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