[Esip-esda] [gsfc-cs-disc] Process for not providing availability to datasets

Shie, Chung-Lin (GSFC-612.0)[UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE COUNTY] via Esip-esda esip-esda at lists.esipfed.org
Wed Jul 30 16:15:59 EDT 2014

Indeed, I personally think, there's a "subtle" or even substantial difference between "not providing availability to datasets" and "Deleting Datasets" (forgetting about the "case-sensitive" if any ;-) ).  I would assume the former may imply that the (to be) "retired" dataset may still be "physically" existing somewhere (e.g., archived), without being entirely disappeared (deleted).  In any case, as a data provider, perhaps also on behalf of a portion of users/scientists/etc., I would suggest that we should be thoughtful and comprehensive in setting up the criteria (e.g., what would be considered as a "negligible" level? would UWG alone may well represent the entire user community? etc.) before we also need to be further cautious when we are to really perform the "deleting" process.  Please remember that when a dataset is gone, it is forever gone (especially consider if we plan to delete a considerable number of datasets).  "Rome wasn't built in a day", but it could be destroyed..., which may not quite be a close analogue applied here, but I think you may know what I mean.  Thanks.  --  Chung-Lin   
From: Lynnes, Christopher S. (GSFC-6102)
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 9:44 AM
To: Kempler, Steven J. (GSFC-5860)
Cc: Kempler,    Steven J. (GSFC-5860) via Esip-esda; gsfc-cs-disc at lists.nasa.gov; Shie, Chung-Lin (GSFC-612.0)[UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE COUNTY]
Subject: Re: [gsfc-cs-disc] Process for not providing availability to datasets

On Jul 30, 2014, at 9:27 AM, Kempler, Steven J. (GSFC-5860) <steven.j.kempler at nasa.gov> wrote:

> Hi,
> Here is a first shot at it.  I am trying to hit a mark that covers EOSDIS core datasets and thoe w ehave acquired from soft funded projects.  Comments?

I think it needs to be Process for Deleting Datasets. Otherwise, we are just avoiding the crux of the issue.

> Thanks Steve
> -----
> Criteria for Not Providing Availability to a Dataset
> Motivation:  Although this does not occur very often, the program process has not been utilized for quite some time, and has been costly to implement.  This is not meant to address wholesale reviews of all data holdings.  It is meant to address individual datasets, as the need come up.
> 1.  Datasets is no longer being funded
> 2.  Datasets access metrics are negligible (TBD per dataset)
> 3.  Originator initiates, concurs, or agrees that dataset need not be made available any longer
>    a.  Up to originator to get concurrence with their HQ Program Manager
>    b.  Originator needs to ensure data is safe somewhere; or obsolete, due to new version being available, and not worth saving
> 4.  UWG concurs
> 5.  ESDIS concurs (ESDIS represents HQ EOSDIS, thus may wish to get their concurrence)

Dr. Christopher Lynnes     NASA/GSFC, Code 610.2    phone: 301-614-5185
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away" -- A. de Saint-Exupery

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