[Esip-esda] NCA Proposal

Kempler, Steven J. (GSFC-5860) steven.j.kempler at nasa.gov
Fri Jan 23 09:45:31 EST 2015

Hi All,
Stephanie, Bruce, Thanks for connecting all of us.

Of course, we welcome another opportunity to work with the AIRS Team on another project.  And would be happy to provide a letter of support.  We (The GES DISC) just need to be careful not to take on too much additional unfunded work…our funding sources often notice, and become unhappy.  Thus, with that said, we would need to know what level of support you are looking for.  For example:

  *   Are you proposing to generate the data and send it to the GES DISC for archive and distribution?
  *   Or, is the proposal to develop the algorithm and product, and when complete, include the software as part of the AIRS suite of software that is delivered to, and execute at, the GES DISC to generate the AIRS products?
  *   Will this software that would be integrated at the GES DISC replace existing AIRS software being integrated at the GES DISC?  (Each Science software integration and test takes a some effort)
  *   Do you know if the proposed products are very large (volume)?
  *   What do you see the GES DISC effort to be during and after the proposed period of performance?
  *   The GES DISC typically distributes 'standard products'.  Standard products having some level of peer review.  If your product is a research product, users won't know that unless fully described as a research product.  is that OK.. with you.. and the AIRS Team?

Sorry to ask so many questions.  As much as we want to support your project we have to be fair and make sure it does not hurt us too much in the pocketbook.  And trying to understand what the GES DISC commitment would be.

Thanks for contacting us.  I look forward to your next e-mail.

Best Regards Steve

From: <Granger>, "Stephanie L (329M)" <stephanie.l.granger at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:stephanie.l.granger at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Date: Thursday, January 22, 2015 5:56 PM
To: VollmerBruce <Bruce.E.Vollmer at nasa.gov<mailto:Bruce.E.Vollmer at nasa.gov>>
Cc: "Friedman, Steven Z (JPL-398A)[Jet Propulsion Laboratory]" <steven.z.friedman at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:steven.z.friedman at jpl.nasa.gov>>, "Behrangi, Ali (JPL-329M)[Jet Propulsion Laboratory]" <ali.behrangi at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:ali.behrangi at jpl.nasa.gov>>, Goddard DAAC <Steven.J.Kempler at nasa.gov<mailto:Steven.J.Kempler at nasa.gov>>
Subject: RE: NCA Proposal

Hi Bruce-
Thanks for the response. I guess the funding support is a conversation we'd have to have w/Steve Friedman and the AIRS project management. My assumption is that the since the product is based on AIRS T and RH, it would a) eventually become an AIRS research product similar to those that are currently archived and accessible at the GES DISC; or b) the algorithm and code to derive the product would be available through the DAAC.
Hopefully, you guys can support.
From: Vollmer, Bruce E. (GSFC-6102) [bruce.e.vollmer at nasa.gov<mailto:bruce.e.vollmer at nasa.gov>]
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 2:43 PM
To: Granger, Stephanie L (329M)
Cc: Friedman, Steven Z (398A); Behrangi, Ali (329M); Kempler, Steven J. (GSFC-5860)
Subject: RE: NCA Proposal

Hi Stephanie,
Hope you are doing well. I spoke to Steve Kempler earlier about this and included him in this note. SteveK can probably respond quickly regarding the support letter but may have a question on funding support for this if it extends beyond our nominal AIRS support.

BTW, pretty sure SteveK will be in your neck of the woods next week at the DAAC Managers meeting at JPL.


From: Granger, Stephanie L (329M) [mailto:stephanie.l.granger at jpl.nasa.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 7:20 PM
To: Vollmer, Bruce E. (GSFC-6102)
Cc: Friedman, Steven Z (JPL-398A)[Jet Propulsion Laboratory]; Behrangi, Ali (JPL-329M)[Jet Propulsion Laboratory]
Subject: NCA Proposal

 Hi Bruce-

It's been a long time! Happy New Year!

Steve Friedman recently talked to you about a proposal we're developing for the NASA NCA call. We're developing a climate indicator based on AIRS humidity and temperature data. Ali Behrangi is the PI on the proposal.

We would like to ultimately turn this into an AIRS research product that could be disseminated at the GES DISC. Can you help us connect with Steve Kempler to let him know of our intentions and ask for a letter?

Of course we have kind of a short fuse on this thing.



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