[Esip-infoquality] Reminder - IQC Monthly telecon - April 10, 2018; also about "Uncertainty White Paper"

Hampapuram Ramapriyan hampapuram.ramapriya at ssaihq.com
Thu Apr 5 19:51:36 EDT 2018


The next telecon of the Information Quality Cluster will be on Tuesday, April 10, 2018, starting at 8 AM US Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). 

*        Meeting Agenda: I have posted a draft agenda on the usual Google doc we use for taking meeting notes. This is at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T4wEmY48qpP7cDrbqV7tppkZ3q0GGkJNz_glvu4C2RI/edit. If you have any comments on the agenda, please let me know.

*        This month, our invited speaker will be Janae Csavina from The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON). Dr. Csavina is a scientist in NEON's QA/QC, Calibration, Validation and Audit Laboratory. The title of her presentation is: "National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) overview and linking uncertainty estimates with QA/QC methods." Below is a short abstract of her presentation:

o   NEON is providing data and infrastructure to understand changing ecosystems through a continental scale ecological observatory in the US.  A cornerstone to the project is providing a standardized and reliable framework for data collection. For the instrumented systems of NEON, this means calibrating sensors regularly to methods traceable to national or international standards, providing uncertainty estimations for data products and having automated QA/QC which includes linkage to uncertainty estimates. While bigger questions for sensor drift and corrections are in development, this presentation will provide an overview of NEON and the developed framework to the instrumented systems.


*        ESIP Summer Meeting session proposals: As you all know, the ESIP summer meeting will be held in Tucson, AZ during July 17-20. The deadline for session proposals is April 30. Peng, David and I have drafted a proposal for two sessions to make progress on the uncertainty white paper. You can see this at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eojBqIDz1xuvItdgem7S5_CcPQg2-5cun-2N060qDTg/edit. We will discuss this at the meeting. Any suggestions for improvement can be brought to the meeting or can be included directly in the document as comments.




(On behalf of IQC co-chairs: H. K. (Rama) Ramapriyan, Ge Peng, and David Moroni)


PS - For your convenience I have also included the GoToMeeting instructions below:

GoToMeeting/Telecon Instructions:

*        To join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

o    <https://www.gotomeeting.com/join/240974205> https://www.gotomeeting.com/join/240974205 

*        You can also dial in using your phone.

o   United States: +1 (312) 757-3121

o   Access Code: 240-974-205




H. K. Ramapriyan (Rama)

Science Systems and Applications, Inc.

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Hampapuram.Ramapriyan at ssaihq.com

(805) 402-7125


Note: I am not a government employee and have no legal authority to obligate any federal, state, or local government to perform any action or payment.


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