[Esip-infoquality] Call for Abstracts - AGU 2024 Fall Meeting - Session IN 009

Hampapuram Ramapriyan hampapuram.ramapriya at ssaihq.com
Thu Jul 25 08:50:08 EDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Apologies for duplication and cross posting. Just a reminder that the submission deadline is less than a week away!!

The AGU Fall Meeting 2024 will be held in Washington, DC during December 9-13, 2024. The abstract submission website is open, and the submission deadline is July 31, 2024. We would like to welcome your submission to the following session. Please feel free to share this note with your colleagues who may be interested..

Session Link: https://agu.confex.com/agu/agu24/prelim.cgi/Session/225026
Session: IN009
Session Title: Advancing Trust in Data Repositories for Enabling Interdisciplinary Uses of Open Data

Session Description:
Scientific progress increasingly relies on accessing and using open and cross-disciplinary quality data. Research teams often require expertise from diverse disciplines to address new and complex science questions. Meeting needs of diverse users enables new data uses and new knowledge creation. Data repositories play a crucial role in facilitating sharing and analysis of open data, presenting opportunities to enable interdisciplinary uses of scientific data by offering comprehensive service capabilities in a one-stop interface.
Offering interoperable datasets aligned with current tools and community standards invites discovery, exploration, and analysis, supporting new and complex research questions from diverse users. Repositories can foster interdisciplinary research by encouraging submissions, curating and reviewing data, providing compatible tools and data, and adhering to principles like TRUST, FAIR, and CARE, and the CoreTrustSeal Requirements.
The session presents repository approaches that inspire stakeholder trust, encourage submissions, and support the use of open data and tools by diverse users.

Over the past several years we have enjoyed convening and running sessions with themes similar to this with excellent contributions and good attendance. Please consider submitting an abstract to this session.


Robert R. Downs, Columbia University of New York, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Palisades NY

Ge Peng, Earth System Science Center/NASA MSFC IMPACT, The University of Alabama in Huntsville

H. K. Ramapriyan (Rama), Science Systems and Applications, Inc., and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

[Call for abstracts to AGU2024 Session IN009]

Hampapuram K. Ramapriyan (Rama)
Research Scientist/SME at Science Systems and Applications, Inc.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project
Greenbelt, MD 20771
(I am a remote worker)
+1 (805) 402-7125

Note:  I am not a government employee and have no legal authority to obligate any federal, state, or local government to perform any action or payment.

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