[Esip-infoquality] Canceled: ESIP Information Quality Cluster (IQC) Monthly Telecon

Liu, Zhong (GSFC-619.0)[GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY] zhong.liu-1 at nasa.gov
Tue Jul 30 09:23:43 EDT 2024

Dear ESIP Information Quality Cluster (IQC) members,

Our monthly telecon will be held on Tuesday February 27 at 2 pm EST.  Here is the agenda:

- Takeaways and thoughts from the 2024 January ESIP Meeting (Zhong and Douglas if available)

- Brief introduction to data ethics (Bob), CARE (Bob), and provenance (Peng and Rama) [Zhong will list examples of each definition]

- Discussion about the connection to information quality (e.g., metadata, derived products, tools and services)

- Topics for the 2024 July ESIP meeting (Theme: Grounded in Trust: Data Ethics Empower Collaboration)

- Other topics

We hope to see you at the meeting.

Thank you very much!

Best regards,

IQC leadership team (Zhong Liu, Bob Downs, Peng Ge, David Moroni, Rama Ramapriyan, and Yaxing Wei)

The sign-up and agenda can be found in this Google document:


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Meeting ID: 891 4057 8368

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Meeting Time will still be 2 pm ET (11am PT) every fourth Tuesday of each month.

IQC Telecon Notes:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T4wEmY48qpP7cDrbqV7tppkZ3q0GGkJNz_glvu4C2RI

Wiki: http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Information_Quality

Subscribe: https://lists.esipfed.org/mailman/listinfo/Esip-infoquality


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