[Esip-machinelearning] [ANNOUNCE] ESIP Summer 2019 GeoSemantics Symposium

Mcgibbney, Lewis J (398M) lewis.j.mcgibbney at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Mar 13 14:38:21 EDT 2019

Hi esip-machinelearning@, esip-semanticweb@ and esip-all@,
We've had a few folks ask us for some sample text to email out to their contacts to help spread the word about the Summer 2019 GeoSemantics Symposium. Below is an email all prepped and ready for you to cut and paste if you'd like to help spread the word within your organization.


The ESIP Semantic Technologies Committee is hosting its annual GeoSemantics Symposium on Monday, July 15th, 2019, 8:30am to 5pm in Tacoma, WA co-located with the ESIP Summer 2019 Meeting. This year's symposium theme is Building Harmony between Data Semantics and Machine Learning, which will act as, amongst other things, a platform for Semantic Technologies and Machine Learning enthusiasts to come together in an interdisciplinary manner.

The symposium will aim to investigate and integrate data semantics as a first-class citizen within the pervasive machine learning technology space. We seek broad community input and encourage non-ESIP members and members of other professional societies to attend. Also, suggestions for topics to be covered are welcome.

We want this to be a community-driven process and we need your input!

If you would like to present your work related to the theme of Building Harmony between Data Semantics and Machine Learning please email the ESIP Semantic Technologies Chair, Lewis John McGibbney (lewis.j.mcgibbney [at] jpl [dot] nasa [dot] gov).

Note: The event itself is free; however, attendees will be responsible for providing their own travel and lodging. The exact room within the venue is still being worked out and will be provided in future announcements.

Check out the resources below and please help us spread the word!

General Information: esipfed.github.io/stc/symposium/2019/symposium.html<https://esipfed.github.io/stc/symposium/2019/symposium.html>

Please indicate you’re attending the event by adding it to your schedule: https://sched.co/MKH5


Dr. Lewis John McGibbney Ph.D., B.Sc.
Data Scientist III
Computer Science for Data Intensive Applications Group (398M)
Instrument Software and Science Data Systems Section (398)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, California 91109-8099
Mail Stop : 158-256C
Tel:  (+1) (818)-393-7402
Cell: (+1) (626)-487-3476
Fax:  (+1) (818)-393-1190
Email: lewis.j.mcgibbney at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:lewis.j.mcgibbney at jpl.nasa.gov>
ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-2185-928X


 Dare Mighty Things
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