[Esip-machinelearning] Reminder: ESIP Machine Learning Cluster Telecon Today (12/18)

Cindy Lin cindylky at umich.edu
Fri Dec 18 09:02:57 EST 2020

Dear Cluster/Committee Participants,

This is a gentle reminder that the next meeting for ESIP's Machine
Learning Cluster
is *today, Dec 18, 12 pm ET/9 am PT*. Below is the connection info as well
as a link to our running notes document, where an agenda is being drafted.
Feel free to add to the agenda if you wish.

*We will be finalizing our speakers for AI Best Practices and Challenges
for this Winter's ESIP meeting 2021. *



Notes doc:

Join: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/422305101

You can also dial in using your phone.

United States: +1 (571) 317-3122

Access Code: 422-305-101

*Cindy Lin*
phd candidate | school of information + STS
university of michigan, ann arbor
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