[Esip-machinelearning] Correct Meeting Link! Karthik Kashinath (NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley Lab) @ ESIP ML Cluster Telecon (3/19)

Cindy Lin cindylky at umich.edu
Mon Mar 22 17:59:02 EDT 2021

Dear Cluster/Committee Participants,

Here is the Youtube video recording
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_4TONeY75U> of Karthik Kashinath's
wonderful talk last Friday!

For any questions regarding the talk, you may send queries to Karthik on
karthikkashinath at gmail.com.


On Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 10:35 AM Cindy Lin <cindylky at umich.edu> wrote:

> Dear Cluster/Committee Participants,
> Big apologies for the previous email invite to our ML Cluster meeting*.
> Please note that the meeting is happening on Zoom rather than GoToMeeting
> this week. *The correct meeting link is pasted below.
> ***
> This is a gentle reminder that the next meeting
> for ESIP's Machine Learning Cluster is happening *this Friday, March 19,
> 12 pm ET/9 am PT*.
> For this week's cluster meeting, we are honored to have Karthik Kashinath
> from Lawrence Berkeley Lab give a talk.
> *Where: *
> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88357173454?pwd=djkvOEx0TTZRekJLWVRHcEMyUitNZz09
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88357173454?pwd%3DdjkvOEx0TTZRekJLWVRHcEMyUitNZz09&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1616250140112000&usg=AOvVaw0wt7NE3Kv_dotHZTqVIUie>
> *Title: *Physics-informed Machine learning for weather and climate science
> *Abstract: *Machine learning (ML) provides novel and powerful ways of
> accurately and efficiently recognizing complex patterns, emulating
> nonlinear dynamics, and predicting the spatio-temporal evolution of weather
> and climate processes. ML and DL have had some remarkable successes in
> challenging problems in complex physical systems such as turbulent flows
> and weather and climate systems.
> However, off-the-shelf ML and DL models do not always obey the fundamental
> governing laws of physical systems, nor do they generalize well to
> scenarios on which they have not been trained. We discuss briefly
> approaches to incorporating physics and domain knowledge into ML models
> towards achieving greater physical consistency, reduced training time,
> improved data efficiency, and better generalization. Finally, we synthesize
> the lessons learned and identify scientific, diagnostic, computational, and
> resource challenges for developing truly robust and reliable
> physics-informed ML models for turbulence, weather, and climate processes.
> *Bio: *Karthik Kashinath leads various climate informatics projects at
> the Big Data Center @ NERSC (Lawrence Berkeley Lab). He received his
> Bachelors from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Masters from
> Stanford University and PhD from the University of Cambridge, U. K. His
> background is in engineering and applied physics. He has worked on various
> projects spanning a wide range of disciplines from supersonic aircraft
> engines to battery technologies to complex chaotic systems and turbulence.
> His current research interests lie in physics-informed machine learning and
> novel data analytics and pattern discovery methods for large complex
> systems such as Earth’s climate. When he is not in front of the computer he
> runs up mountains, swims in lakes, and cooks exotic global cuisines.
> Meeting Agenda doc:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NrnKP3KUBwKYDyVTXrTVBYg_yH3FmYbzsEiSQ6De5Ro/edit?usp=sharing
> Best,
> --
> *Cindy Lin*
> phd candidate | school of information + STS
> university of michigan, ann arbor
> cindylin.org

*Cindy Lin*
phd candidate | school of information + STS
university of michigan, ann arbor
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