[Esip-machinelearning] Fwd: Gateways 2021 Call for Community Participation (deadline: Sept. 22)

Ziheng Sun zsun at gmu.edu
Mon Aug 30 15:00:46 EDT 2021

Dear Cluster,

Sorry for cross posting.

Gateways 2021 is calling for participation with topics on AI/ML for 
scientific gateways, in which some might be interested.



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Gateways 2021 Call for Community Participation (deadline: 
Sept. 22)
Date: 	Mon, 30 Aug 2021 14:55:36 -0400
From: 	Science Gateways Community Institute <sciencegateways at gmail.com>
Reply-To: 	help at sciencegateways.org
To: 	Ziheng Sun <zsun at gmu.edu>

Dear Ziheng,

Since you have previously submitted to the Gateways Conference series, 
we thought you'd be interested in receiving the Gateways 2021 Call for 
Community Participation (copied below).

We hope you'll join us for this unique online gathering that will help 
determine the future of the gateways community!

Please feel free to circulate the announcement widely.

The Gateways 2021 Planning Team
Science Gateways Community Institute 


*Gateways 2021* (October 19-21) is planned as an opportunity to 
influence the vision and mission of the Science Gateways Community 
Institute (SGCI), the gateways community, and the Gateways Conference 
series. It will offer diverse options for sharing work and networking in 
the community. The format includes tutorial sessions, panels, 
presentations in the form of lightning talks, and working sessions.

We invite the submission of abstracts related to science gateways, which 
are end-to-end solutions with easy-to-use interfaces enabling the 
application of complex research infrastructures such as computing and 
data infrastructures, instruments, and other domain-specific resources 
to support research and education. They may also be known as portals, 
virtual research environments, eScience, virtual labs, eResearch, 
digital repositories, or research cyberinfrastructure.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

* Architectures, frameworks, and technologies for science gateways
* Science gateways sustaining productive, collaborative communities
* Support for scalability and data-driven methods in science gateways
* Improving the reproducibility of science in science gateways
* Science gateway usability, portals, workflows, and tools
* Software engineering approaches for scientific work
* Aspects of science gateways, such as security and stability
* AI and ML for science gateways
* Social research on science gateways
* Use cases and lessons learned from science gateways

*All submissions are due on September 22, 2021.*

Read more details in the Call for Community Participation: 
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