[Esip-machinelearning] Reminder- Upcoming ESIP Machine Learning Cluster Meeting

Sanjana Achan sachan at gmu.edu
Mon Sep 11 11:42:23 EDT 2023

Dear Team,

This is a reminder that our ESIP Machine Learning Cluster Monthly Meeting will be on Friday, 9/15/2023, from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM EST.

Join Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88357173454?pwd=djkvOEx0TTZRekJLWVRHcEMyUitNZz09
Meeting ID: 883 5717 3454
Passcode: 225768

Our agenda for the ESIP Machine Learning Cluster Meeting:

  *   Things new in AI world
  *   Practical AI Paper Discussion
  *   Discuss next speaker candidates
  *   Anything else?

If you have more things to discuss, please feel free to raise them.

Sanjana Achan,
Research Assistant.

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