[Esip-machinelearning] Reminder- Upcoming ESIP Machine Learning Cluster Meeting

Ziheng Sun zsun at gmu.edu
Wed Dec 13 16:45:53 EST 2023

Dear Team,

This is a reminder that our ESIP Machine Learning Cluster Monthly Meeting will be on Friday, 12/15/2023, from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM EST.

Join Zoom meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88357173454?pwd=djkvOEx0TTZRekJLWVRHcEMyUitNZz09
Meeting ID: 883 5717 3454
Passcode: 225768

The highlight of this meeting is the presence of an esteemed guest speaker, Dr Alan Geer, who is working as Principal scientist at European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts which is affiliated with World Meteorological Organization (WMO). His work mostly involves working with machine learning for earth science, Remote sensing, Data assimilation, Cloud and precipitation, Numerical weather prediction models.

To give you a sneak peek of what to expect from our next meeting, Dr. Alan will be sharing his expertise on the topic, “Combining machine learning with data assimilation to learn new models and improve earth system analyses through sea ice case study”. To prepare for the meeting, we encourage you to take a look at one of Dr. Alan influential papers. You can find it right here:

Our agenda for the ESIP Machine Learning Cluster Meeting is:

  *   guest speaker
  *   Q&A
  *   Anything else?

If you have more things to discuss, please feel free to raise them.

Sanjana Achan,
Research Assistant.

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