[Esip-marinedata] Fwd: Data Managers Meeting 2019-01-10 - Important Message and Meeting Topic - Sarah Purkey

Jocelyn Elya jelya at coaps.fsu.edu
Thu Jan 10 09:30:50 EST 2019

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Carolina Berys-Gonzalez <cberysgonzalez at ucsd.edu>
Date: Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 5:27 PM
Subject: Data Managers Meeting 2019-01-10 - Important Message and Meeting
Topic - Sarah Purkey
To: <mbiddle at whoi.edu>, <susanne.e.craig at nasa.gov>, Adam Shepherd <
ashepherd at whoi.edu>, Alex Kozyr <alex.kozyr at noaa.gov>, Andrew Barna <
abarna at ucsd.edu>, Carolina Berys <cberysgonzalez at ucsd.edu>, Chris Olson <
cjolson at ucsd.edu>, Christopher Proctor <christopher.w.proctor at nasa.gov>,
Danie Kinkade <dkinkade at whoi.edu>, Dru Clark <pdclark at ucsd.edu>, Eugene
Burger - NOAA Federal <eugene.burger at noaa.gov>, Jim Swift <jswift at ucsd.edu>,
Jocelyn Elya <jelya at coaps.fsu.edu>, Joel Scott <joel.scott at nasa.gov>, John
Osborne - NOAA Affiliate <john.osborne at noaa.gov>, Joseph Gum <jgum at ucsd.edu>,
Karen Stocks <kstocks at ucsd.edu>, Kevin O'Brien - NOAA Affiliate <
kevin.m.o'brien at noaa.gov>, Kristene McTaggart <Kristene.E.McTaggart at noaa.gov>,
Liqing JIANG - NOAA Affiliate <liqing.jiang at noaa.gov>, Lynne Talley <
ltalley at ucsd.edu>, Melissa Miller <melissa-miller at ucsd.edu>, Norm Nelson <
norm at eri.ucsb.edu>, Pimenta Castelao, Guilherme <castelao at ucsd.edu>, Robert
Key <key at princeton.edu>, Sarah Purkey <spurkey at ucsd.edu>, Shannon Rauch <
srauch at whoi.edu>, Sharon Escher <sescher at ucsd.edu>, Sharon Stammerjohn <
sharon.stammerjohn at colorado.edu>, Shawn Smith <smith at coaps.fsu.edu>, Steve
Diggs <sdiggs at ucsd.edu>, Susan Becker <sbecker at ucsd.edu>, Tanya Maurer <
tmaurer at mbari.org>, Vassilis Kitidis <vak at pml.ac.uk>, <
thursday-ocean-data-group at googlegroups.com>

*Data Managers Meeting: *2019-01-09
*TOPIC*: Sarah Purkey

Hello all,

I hope everyone had a nice holiday and fantastic start to the new year.

*NOTE:* We will be migrating to the ESIP listserv for emails going forward.
If you do not wish to be added to the new email list, please let me know in
the next week or so. Also, our schedule will shift slightly from every
other week to the second and fourth Thursday of the month.

On to this week's topic, Sarah Purkey will be presenting her work:

*Insights into deep ocean warming from decades of hydrography and tracer
GO-SHIP data*

To answer some global questions, compiling mass amounts of data is
necessary.  Here, I’ll look at the problem of deep ocean warming and
explain why multiple data sets are needed to quantify the deep ocean
warming rates and understand the mechanisms driving the warming.


*Connection Information via Zoom:This group will convene every two weeks*

*Topic*: Data Managers Thursday Zoom Meeting
*Time: Thursday, 2019-01-10, 10:30 PST (17:30 UTC)*
*Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/970894336
*(other connection information, including international phone numbers are
listed below)*

*Thursday Ocean Data Group Website (to be replaced by the ESIP wiki
*Slack workspace:*

*Invitation to join Slack:*

*Additional Zoom information:*

*Meeting ID:* *970 894 336*
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/970894336
Or iPhone one-tap :
    US: +16465588656,,970894336#  or +16699006833,,970894336#

Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
        US: +1 646 558 8656  or +1 669 900 6833

    International numbers available: https://ucsd.zoom

Carolina Berys-Gonzalez
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
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