[Esip-marinedata] Marine Data Cluster - 2019-04-11, 2019-04-25 - OIIP and THREDDS

Carolina Berys-Gonzalez cberysgonzalez at ucsd.edu
Wed Apr 10 00:27:45 EDT 2019

*Topic: An Introduction to OIIP and THREDDS ProjectsTime: Thursday,
2019-04-11, 10:30 PST (17:30 UTC)Topic: Demos: OIIP Visualization Tool, CSV
to netCDF-CF Using Rosetta, and THREDDS 5.0Time: Thursday, 2019-04-25,
10:30 PST (17:30 UTC)*

Hello all,

Please join us this month for a broad topic introduction followed by a deep
dive into the OIIP and THREDDS projects. Connection information follows

April 11: An Introduction to OIIP and THREDDS Projects
April 25: Demos: OIIP Visualization Tool, CSV to netCDF-CF Using Rosetta,
and THREDDS 5.0


Sean Arms (UCAR)
* Software Engineer at UCAR/Unidata, THREDDS Project Lead
* CO-PI on the NASA/OIIP project
* Ph.D. in Meteorology, focused on in-situ observations and atmospheric
surface-layer/canopy layer turbulence

Vardis Tsontos (JPL)
* Data engineer at PO.DAAC/JPL supporting NASA salinity satellite missions
and field campaigns
* PI on the NASA/OIIP and COVERAGE projects
* Biological oceanographer, Ph.D in fish population dynamics

Talk Abstract:

Oceanographic applications increasingly rely on the integration of
multivariate data from diverse observational platforms including satellite
and diverse in-situ observations. However, interoperability issues and the
heterogeneity of field datasets in particular poses a challenge not only to
their integrated usage, but also to their long term preservation and
access. In this presentation we report on accomplishments of the
NASA/ACCESS funded “Oceanographic In situ data Interoperability project
(OIIP)” [https://oiip.jpl.nasa.gov/
a 2-year collaboration between JPL, UCAR/Unidata and UMASS-Boston that
concluded in October 2018. OIIP involved the enhancement and integration of
available technologies for improved interoperability and support of in situ
data, examining also a representative yet complex class of oceanographic
field data: data from electronic tags deployed on a variety of marine
species. Here we review the general motivation and outcomes of the work,
focusing on three Open Source software products/projects from the project:
the OIIP Data Visualization tool (built upon the Common Mapping Client),
the Rosetta tool and webservice for producing standards compliant data
files from ASCII source files, and enhancements to netCDF-Java and the
THREDDS Data Server, providing increased support in these tools for the
Climate and Forecast Discrete Sampling Geometries (e.g. point, timeseries,
profile, trajectory).

Hope you can join!


*Connection Information via GoToMeeting:This group will convene every month
on the second and fourth Thursday10:30 AM Pacific Time, 1:30 PM Eastern
Time, 17:30 UTC*

Marine Data

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (312) 757-3121 <+13127573121,,157892821>

Access Code: 157-892-821

First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check:

Carolina Berys-Gonzalez
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
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