[Esip-openscience] ESOP Open Science cluster webinar
jennifer.h.hewson at nasa.gov
Tue May 23 15:16:38 EDT 2023
Dear all-
Thanks for participating in today's ESIP Open Science cluster webinar series. A huge thank you to Dr. Andrea Thomer for presenting Past Global Change Research: Connecting Data Systems and Practitioners through FAIR and CARE practices, and discussing how communities of practice are developed around the OS principles of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility, and Ethics). One topic highlighted during the discussion was how to leverage ESIP's community and partnerships to reduce the burden on historically marginalized stakeholder groups who are frequently engaged to participate in boards, listening workshops, and other activities. The cluster notes are captured here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/13sRtd7R3aMVoqxiWqPOTSXJjt0DOSeh_/edit#heading=h.zf704jw9fwz2>, and the recording will be made available.
The OS cluster aims to gather and share knowledge to increase awareness and adoption of open science.
Join us for Webinar 2 on Tuesday 27th June, same time - 12pm East, same place - Zoom<https://esipfed-org.zoom.us/j/82186805451?pwd=SzNJbGloZjJHOTlFeGo2aWZjSEhGUT09>.
Jenny, Cyndi, and Morgan
Preferred name: Jenny Hewson
LANCE Outreach & Implementation Manager
jennifer.h.hewson at nasa.gov<mailto:jennifer.h.hewson at nasa.gov>
C: 443.474.3244
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