[Esip-openscience] ESIP July WEBINAR/TELECON Next Tuesday 7/25 from 12-1 pm ET

Morgan Wofford mwofford at umich.edu
Tue Jul 18 10:01:49 EDT 2023

Hi Open Science Cluster!

Please join us for our cluster telecon next *Tuesday,* *July 25*,* from* *9-10
am PT / 12-1 pm ET*. We will continue our webinar series with Irene
Pasquettto <https://irenepasquetto.github.io/> from the University of
Maryland, who will present on* "**What is research data “misuse”? And how
can it be prevented or mitigated?**"*

*Summary of Talk*: There are many good reasons to incentivize the sharing
and reuse of research data, including to reproduce research, to make public
assets available to the public, to leverage investments in research, and to
advance collaboration and innovation in science. Often, reuse of open data
leads to the production of new, urgently needed knowledge. Thus,
researchers and funding agencies alike are increasingly expected, and in
some cases mandated, to release research data for reuse by others. However,
fears of data “misuse” can impede the open sharing and reuse of research
products, which in turn slows down scientific progress and lowers public
trust in science and science institutions. The development and adoption of
a shared framework for defining and preventing data misuse can help
policymakers take important decisions about when and how to release crucial
research data, evaluating the potential for public consumption of given
research objects, and tailoring documentation and representation of
research data to non-expert communities. Yet, defining data “misuse”
broadly remains challenging. Within this presentation, in order to work
towards a better understanding of the complexity of data misuse, I will
discuss how researchers in a number of fields currently understand and
define the practice of misusing research data including in pen science and
data sharing practices, fairness in algorithms and computational data
science, information and data literacy, science policy, science skepticism,
and history of science. I will end with a discussion on how different
domains describe and define data misuse and identify areas of overlap and
disagreement. Finally, I propose a definition and a set of mitigation and
prevention strategies.

You can view our upcoming and past meeting agendas in our running Cluster
Notes Doc

You are also encouraged to join the ESIP community on Slack
<https://esip-all.slack.com/archives/C035BBPGG30> if you haven't already!
You'll find us on the *#open-science* channel.

*Join Zoom Meeting:*
Meeting ID: 817 0425 4783
Passcode: 784237


Morgan Wofford
2023 Community Fellow
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