[Esip-operational-ethics] Reminder: Operational Ethics cluster meeting today, Nov. 21, at 3pm eastern

Caitlin White Caitlin.T.White at Colorado.EDU
Tue Nov 21 19:03:52 EST 2023

Following up with a recap of today's meeting (meeting notes and agenda<https://docs.google.com/document/d/13F3pkYvpCiaBbxVc1_b1qh0GSFEzkx1PlRIpdlGgoEM/edit?usp=sharing>):

To continue discussion on the governance agreement, we looked at a draft agreement for a collaboration Kathe is part of as a more concrete example. During that, we chatted about the process of creating the agreement, amount of effort required by different contributors, the development timeline, and spent some time discussing the conflict resolution section. The agreement is written with language and sections closer to what would be relevant for research collaborations, and will be a helpful reference when published for continuing revisions on our governance agreement.

Our next meeting (Dec. 5, 3pm eastern) will be our last cluster call of the calendar year (next meeting in 2024). There was a suggestion at the end of the meeting today to change cluster calls from one hour, every other week, to monthly for a longer amount of time.  We will chat about that and more (agenda TBD) at the Dec. 5 meeting.

From: Caitlin White
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2023 10:09 AM
To: Caitlin White via Esip-operational-ethics <esip-operational-ethics at lists.esipfed.org>
Subject: Reminder: Operational Ethics cluster meeting today, Nov. 21, at 3pm eastern

Hi everyone,

Sending a reminder there is an operational ethics cluster meeting at 3pm eastern time today. We will continue work on the governance agreement document for collaborative research (work in progress draft<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U8Qwwfk_Tw0jsiLDXfptng-34bcew4F5Qd4wSX2jBjk/edit?usp=sharing>) and chat about conflict resolution in research if enough people are present for a discussion.

Meeting notes and agenda<https://docs.google.com/document/d/13F3pkYvpCiaBbxVc1_b1qh0GSFEzkx1PlRIpdlGgoEM/edit?usp=sharing>

Zoom info:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID:  923 337 4278

Passcode: ESIP2023


One tap mobile

+13052241968,,9233374278# US

+13126266799,,9233374278# US (Chicago)

Hope to see you there!


Caitlin White

Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

University of Colorado, Boulder

caitlin.t.white at colorado.edu

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