[Esip-preserve] Call for Abstracts- Session 48926: Toward Networks of Trusted Data Repositories...

Danie Kinkade dkinkade at whoi.edu
Fri Jul 6 13:45:12 EDT 2018

[Apologies for cross-postings]

Dear Colleagues,
Are you working within the Earth and space science data repository 
landscape?  Do your activities add value to the repository community at 
large, or promote alignment of data resources and services across 
domains?  Then, we encourage your abstract submission to the following 

*Session Title:* IN060. Towards Networks of Trusted Data Repositories in 
the Earth and Space Sciences

**Session ID:* 48926*

*Session Abstract:
*Digital data repositories provide a valuable service to the research 
community: they provide a means of documentation, veracity, persistence, 
transparency and reproducibility of the scientific process. 
  Domain-specific data repositories within the Earth and Space sciences 
have traditionally evolved to meet the needs of their own communities, 
often at the expense of repository interoperability, or service to the 
broader research community interested in cross-interdisciplinary research.

However, the growing need for open, discoverable, well-documented 
cross-domain data to answer complex Earth system questions is driving 
the idea of repository alignment. Sharing capabilities among 
repositories facilitates a seamless, efficient network of open data and 
services, supporting more effective data discovery, access, analysis and 
visualization. This session solicits contributions describing work that 
adds value to the earth and space science repository community at large, 
promoting a unified network of data resources and services. We welcome 
submissions from all stakeholders in the repository community.

_Primary Convener:_
Danie Kinkade (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
Kenneth S Casey (NOAA/NESDIS/NODC)
Steve Diggs (Univ. of California San Diego)
Jessica Hausman (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

Ready to submit? (deadline is 1 August at 11:59PM EDT): 

Please share and forward this invitation on to interested colleagues.  
We look forward to your submission and to seeing you in D.C. this December!

Danie Kinkade
Director, Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
MS #36, Shiverick, WHOI
Woods Hole, MA  02543

voice: 508.289.2291
fax: 508.289.2009
email:dkinkade at whoi.edu

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