[Esip-preserve] Attend Institute of Open Science Practices (IOSP) meeting in Denver, Feb 23 and 24?

Douglas Schuster schuster at ucar.edu
Tue Jan 21 19:07:22 EST 2025

I am reaching out to invite you to the first convening of The Institute of
Open Science Practices (IOSP) at the Museum of Nature and Science in
Denver, Colorado on February 23 and 24.

IOSP is about implementing, experimenting with, and building out functional
infrastructure, technology, and culture that powers the frictionless,
collaborative, modular, and community driven scientific enterprise we all
believe should exist. This IOSP Winter Conference will bring together
researchers, technologists, and leaders committed to forging a new research
infrastructure ecosystem, with a specific focus on:


   Persistent Identification of Dynamic Datasets and the Modular Scientific

   Data Management and Visitation

   Outdated Publishing Models

   Scaling Expertise with Automated Research Pipelines and AI Agents

At IOSP ’25, you will have the opportunity to:


   Hear from leading researchers about their experiences with both
   traditional and cutting edge infrastructure technology.

   Engage in workshops that explore emerging technologies and methodologies
   to streamline research workflows.

   Collaborate directly with peers and infrastructure developers

   Contribute to shaping a research environment guided by openness,
   accessibility, and the collective pursuit of knowledge.

Join us to actively contribute your expertise to a global community working
to make research not just open in principle, but frictionless in practice.

You can register for free through the website, https://iosp.io. Or ask
questions and talk to the organizers by emailing jon at scios.tech and/or
ellie at scios.tech.



Doug Schuster | Acting Director, Information Systems Division

NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research (NSF NCAR)

Computational and Information Systems Lab

ORCID: 0000-0003-0448-3591 <https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0448-3591>
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