[Esip-preserve] ESIP Data Stewardship Meeting - Reminder March 10, 2025

Bolívar Aponte Rolón bolaponte at pm.me
Tue Mar 4 18:18:25 EST 2025

Hello Data Stewardship Committee,

Reminder that our Data Stewardship Committee meeting is scheduled for March 10, 2025, from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM EST. You can find the meeting details and join information on the [ESIP Calendar](https://www.esipfed.org/community-calendar/month/). Additionally, please refer to our [running notes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OQmT3C6TPVCFcgW3Pwl3SrBlcjz2X-lG2tdDH2b6_r0/edit?tab=t.0) document where the agenda is currently being drafted.

We will be discussing our DMP working group efforts to build a "best practices" resource.
Preliminary meeting agenda:

- Review of Github repository examples that might inform design, structure, content, layout:

- https://github.com/ESIPFed/esipDMP
- https://esipfed.github.io/esipDMP/

- Examples:


[NASA Earthdata Cloud Cookbook](https://nasa-openscapes.github.io/earthdata-cloud-cookbook/)


[ESIP Biodata Standards](https://esipfed.github.io/bds-primer-best-practices/)



Feel free to suggest other websites or resources that might be useful to us.

I look forward to seeing you all there!

Best regards,

Bolívar Aponte Rolón, Community Fellow
Elisha Wood-Charlson, Committee Chair

Bolívar Aponte Rolón, Ph.D.(he/him/his)

[bolaponte at pm.me](mailto:bolaponte at proton.me)

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