[Esip-sample-curation] Updates and plans for the next meeting (June 20th)
Sarah Ramdeen
sramdeen at ldeo.columbia.edu
Tue Jun 14 15:52:25 EDT 2022
Hello Everyone,
Our next meeting is in a week so I thought I would touch base on the
meeting and a few other community updates.
*Next meeting (June 20th; date of observed US Federal holiday)*
Is anyone planning to attend the meeting? It is a Federal holiday so I
imagine we may have low turnout. It will be our last before the ESIP July
meeting and we do need to prepare for our session. If no one can make it,
we can reschedule.
*SPNHC poster on zenodo/included in RDA's 23 things*
The RDA Physical Samples Interest Group is finalizing their '23 Things
Physical Samples
document. As part of it, they would like to include an entry on sample
citation and point to our SPNHC poster. I uploaded the poster to Zenodo (
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6643363). Please take a look and if you see
any errors in the metadata or the file, let me know.
*Update from SPNHC*
Thank you Andrea for virtually presenting our poster! She made a great
connection with some folks including someone from Pensoft Journals who is
also working on similar guidelines. I am going to follow up on their email
conversation and see if they would be interested in sending someone to
attend our ESIP July session to share their work and participate in our
*RDA session (June 20th 10:30pm ET)*
The RDA Physical Samples IG is hosting a session at the RDA plenary at
International Data Week: Harmonising Citations, Acknowledgments and Credit
for Physical Samples/Specimens in Scholarly Publications
The session will include a breakout activity focused on our author
guidelines. Is anyone planning to attend? From our last meeting, Val and
I had come up with a list of areas for the sample guidelines that still
need review (see top of this public version of our working document
If you have any suggestions of additional topics or actions for this
session, please let me know.
Dr. Sarah Ramdeen
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
ORCiD: 0000-0003-1135-5942 <https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1135-5942>
Projects: System for Earth Sample Registration <http://geosamples.org/>
(SESAR), iSamples <http://isamples.org/>, Sampling Nature RCN
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