[Esip-sample-curation] GSA Rocky Mountain Session T21. Data Preservation for the Geosciences
Crystal, Victoria F
vcrystal at usgs.gov
Wed Jan 4 10:59:29 EST 2023
Dear colleagues:
We invite you to present your research in our session titled Data Preservation for the Geosciences: Recent Advances in Geo-Databases, Repository Practices, and Big Data Applications technical session at the 2023 GSA Rocky Mountain Section Meeting in Fort Collins, Colorado, 23–25 May 2023.
The session focuses on the need for FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability) data repositories and databases that are user friendly to ensure the reuse of samples, data, and collections. This session is for public, private, and academic research scientists and staff who are compiling, managing, and utilizing geoscience data. Topics in the session will include: novel approaches to digital and physical collection management, value added practices during compilation of data, uses of large datasets from public databases to contribute to research, the construction and maintenance of geoscience relational databases, QAQC procedures and workflows of compiling a variety of legacy data formats, evaluating inherited or orphaned physical collections, innovative repository design and practices, and converting and preserving unsupported digital data formats. We think your work would be a great fit for this session and we would love it if you would submit an abstract.
Submit an abstract to this session<https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2023RM/top/papers/index.cgi?sessionid=54254>:
The abstract deadline is 28 February 2023.
Here <https://www.geosociety.org/GSA/Events/Section_Meetings/GSA/Sections/rm/2023mtg/home.aspx> is the link for the 2023 Rocky Mountain Section Meeting of the Geological Society of America Conference:
Feel free to share this announcement with others who might be interested.
Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you for considering participation.
Amy Atwater (aatwater at usgs.gov<mailto:aatwater at usgs.gov>)
Kelly Thomson (kthomson at usgs.gov<mailto:kthomson at usgs.gov>)
Victoria Crystal (vcrystal at usgs.gov<mailto:vcrystal at usgs.gov>)
Victoria Crystal, MS (she/her)
Curator and Museum Specialist
Geological Materials Repository
vcrystal at usgs.gov
Microsoft Teams or 303-202-4855 (office)
ORCiD: 0000-0001-7791-8512
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