[Esip-schema-dot-org] ESIP schema.org Cluster meeting times

Adam Shepherd ashepherd at whoi.edu
Thu Sep 19 16:52:33 EDT 2019

Hi friends,

After reviewing the survey and the current ESIP meeting calendar, the 
two most optimal times are:

1st Monday of the Month @ 5pm

4th Thursday of the Month @ 2:30pm

Which would make Mon, October 7th and Thu, October 24 the first two 
meeting times.

 From the survey these two times do not work for 2 people. However, one 
of those people reported that 4th TH @ 3pm worked and the other could 
make T,W,TH at 5pm and noted in the comments they preferred not to meet 
on M and Friday b/c they are typically travel days. I suspect that they 
could meet on Mon at 5pm if necessary. Here is the spreadsheet where we 
analyzed the results (we also identified major stakeholders who 
completed the survey to ensure they weren't part of the excluded).

I've sent these times to Megan to get them scheduled on the ESIP 
Calendar, so stay stuned!

cheers, Adam

Adam Shepherd
Co-Chair, ESIP schema.org Cluster

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