[Esip-schema-dot-org] IT&I Recording on Loc-I and next month's webinar

David Blodgett dblodgett at usgs.gov
Tue Nov 19 10:14:58 EST 2019

Hi All, (cross posting to a few mailing lists that may be interested here — share on if you think others would like to see this)

The recording of last week’s presentation is all set here:  "Location Integration Project": Matthew Purss and Shane Crossman <http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Interoperability_and_Technology/Tech_Dive_Webinar_Series#14_November_2019:_.22Location_Integration_Project.22:_Matthew_Purss_and_Shane_Crossman>. This was a nice high-level introduction to the Loc-I project and is worth a scan if you haven’t seen what the project is all about. Slides are available at the link above as well.

Next month, we will be continuing the theme with another presentation related to Loc-I but turning to some specific use cases and examples where DGGS and Linked Data technologies are being used together. This should be a great lead in to a number of activities at the ESIP winter meeting. <https://2020esipwintermeeting.sched.com/>

Specific things that might be of interest:
1) OGC Coverage Processing Sprint <https://sched.co/Vabd> — How do we expect to leverage the new coverage API in linked data?
2) Advancing Data Integration Approaches for the Structured Data Web <https://sched.co/XrhQ> — Presentations and discussion going deeper into this topic.
3) Structured Data Web and Coverages Working Session <https://sched.co/XrhZ> — An opportunity to work together toward some valuable outcomes.

For 3, we’ve been imagining this from the session abstract:
> Session outcomes could take a number of forms: linked data and web page mock ups, ideas and issues for OGC, W3C, or ESIP groups to consider, example data or use cases for relevant software development projects to consider, or work plans and proposals for future ESIP work. 

Please let Irina and I know if you have ideas for the session. 

Outcomes of these ESIP-Winter activities will be reported at the February IT&I webinar on February 13th. <https://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=XzhncDM2ZzlqOGQwamFiOWg2OTJqZ2I5azZrcTRjYjlvOHAyamliOWg4OTIzYWNocDZnczNjaGhoODRfMjAyMDAyMTNUMjAwMDAwWiBzYjljbm1ha25xcHNpZnM3dHRuOWtzb2J1MEBn&ctz=America/New_York>

All the best,

- Dave
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