[Esip-schema-dot-org] Recap from Nov 21 20:00 UTC telecon

Adam Shepherd ashepherd at whoi.edu
Fri Nov 22 08:52:46 EST 2019


 1. 1. Kai Blumberg is our ESIP Fellow starting in December!
 2. 2. Idea for ESIP Testbed Proposal - develop guidance for using
    schema.org <http://schema.org/> in ontology documentation
 3. 3. Nice discussion about the utility of schema.org
    <http://schema.org/> outside of Google’s use case.

 4. 4. Decision to let interested people become moderators
    of science-in-schema.org <http://science-in-schema.org/> repository
    - *currently*: Adam Shepherd, Doug Fils. *Volunteered*: Dave Vieglas
    & Christopher Jones (Adam emailed Annie Burgess to add Dave and
    Chris into the ESIPFed Github organization). *Anyone else interested
    in moderating the guidance docs, please let us know*!

NOTES from Nov 21, 20:00 UTC 

Adam Shepherd
Co-Chair, ESIP schema.org Cluster

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