[Esip-schema-dot-org] Fwd: Webinar: Schema.org & executable research documents

Mark Schildhauer schild at nceas.ucsb.edu
Wed Sep 23 18:36:29 EDT 2020

Hi folks,

I guiltily admit to not having worked further on the "variableMeasured"
recommendations since our last meeting.  I know Steve Richard has done some
further edits but I haven't looked these over closely yet.

There has been discussion amongst us as to how much we can reuse-but-abuse
existing schema.org terms that would be relevant were they not so narrowly
"defined" (i.e. over-constraining of recommended Types to use with
properties; recommended properties to use with Types).  Some folks are
saying we should simply reference external vocabularies where useful (e.g.
SOSA, or describe columns of a dataset that are not strictly
"variableMeasured" using more neutral schema.org terms, like

Pier recently discussed such potential "flexibility" in use of schema.org
term with Dan Brickley, and if I understood Pier's summarization correctly,
Dan said we can flexibly use schema.org terms even IF they seem to not be
appropriate for use with some specific Types or Properties.  So, that
approach is one that I hope to examine more fully.  A simple concrete
example is how Pier has suggested use of the Property "about" to describe
what a "variableMeasured" is "about"-- which seems sensible!  Perhaps
"about" could have a Property Value or  Text Type of some "feature of
interest"-- EXCEPT "about" is supposed to be used with "Creative Work",
"Event" or "Communicate Action".  But it seems we can and should defy these
recommendations-- and if we do so for 'about" we have opened the gates to
other potential schema.org terms of interest-- some of which we've already
referenced in our draft text (so:Observation, so:measuredProperty, and
so:QualitativeValue come to mind). One potential advantage of re-using
schema.org terms in this way is that we actually succeed through
adoption/use in extending the utility of the vocabulary without introducing
added complexity of external ontologies with their potential entailments.

BTW, I have examined the RDF and OWL versions of schema.org (from the
Developer site), but apparently these are both considered
"non-authoritative" and don't yet include 'so:variableMeasured' for that
matter.  Does anyone know if there are more recent, canonical
serializations of schema.org into something better than the webpage

Tomorrow I would like to attend the webinar described below, that seems
relevant to our group- so apologies in advance for not being on the entire

Mark Schildhauer, PhD
Center Associate
Director of Computing (ret.)
Co-PI, Arctic Data Center
ORCID:  0000-0003-0632-7576 <https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0632-7576>
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, NCEAS, UCSB
735 State St., Suite 300
Santa Barbara CA 93101
Email: schild at nceas dot ucsb dot edu
Web: http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu; http://arcticdata.io <http://arcticdata.io/>
; http://lternet.edu
NOTE CHANGE-- Ph: 805-886-9526  FAX: 805-893-7541

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From: Team Stencila <hello at stenci.la>
Date: Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 1:59 PM
Subject: Webinar: Schema.org & executable research documents
To: <schild at nceas.ucsb.edu>

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Hello Mark,

We’d like to get your feedback on the Stencila Schema
a set of extensions for schema.org
in support of structured, semantic, and executable research documents. The
Schema is at the core of much of our software and we're having this call
ahead of a v1.0 release in the coming weeks.
Extensions to Schema.org
for structured, semantic & executable research documents

*Thursday, September 24, 2020*
12pm PDT · 3pm EDT · 8pm BST
7am NZST (*September 25, 2020*)

This call is open to everyone and we’d love to have you join the
conversation with our awesome panelists!
Join the webinar

*Zoom Webinar ID: **831 7449 7222*

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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