[Esip-schema-dot-org] Fwd: ESIP Meeting Highlights Webinar (8/12): Please Participate!

Adam Shepherd ashepherd at whoi.edu
Wed Jul 28 12:33:00 EDT 2021

Hi folks, I have a conflict during ESIP Highlights webinar, but wanted to throw the offer out there to anyone who felt compelled to present what happened with science-on-schema.org during the Summer Meeting 


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Megan Carter <megancarter at esipfed.org>
> Subject: ESIP Meeting Highlights Webinar (8/12): Please Participate!
> Date: July 27, 2021 at 2:28:56 PM EDT
> To: undisclosed-recipients:;
> Dear ESIP Meeting Session Organizers,
> ESIP is hosting the 2021 Summer Meeting Highlights Webinar on Thursday August 12th from 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm ET. As a session organizer, we thank you for your efforts and we invite you (or a representative of your choosing) to give a lightning talk (max 1 slide, 2 minutes) about your session. If there were multiple organizers for your session, please discuss who would be best to give the lightning talk. The goals of the webinar are to 1) share information with those who couldn't attend, 2) encourage interest in the session recordings and presentations, and 3) spark ideas for continued work on these topics. To achieve these goals, you should mention briefly what happened in the session, the major take-aways, and how others can get involved.
> I strongly encourage you to participate as this is always a very popular webinar, including both live attendees and those who watch the recording afterwards on the ESIP YouTube Channel. If you would like to participate, please reply (megancarter at esipfed.org <mailto:megancarter at esipfed.org>) by next Tuesday (8/3) and include the name of the session you will cover.
> You may use this template <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1suBkJI_xsdYTKGNfmkU0Th9j0TRKqn9tMfyNG2paMiQ/edit?usp=sharing> to draft your single slide - download or make a copy before you start editing. Once you are finished, please upload the slide to this Google Folder <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1O2SNoy8tTbF_wUin163orjkPPp8OgX6s?usp=sharing> (at latest by Tuesday August 10th at 8 pm ET). If you need to look back at your session notes documents, please find them attached to your session description on our Sched site. These have been set to 'View Only', but please request access if you need to edit. Session recordings will be linked in Sched and accessible via the ESIP YouTube Channel by August 10th.
> Please make sure to continue encouraging your session speakers to deposit their presentations in Figshare <http://esip.figshare.com/> via the ESIP Figshare Portal <http://esip.figshare.com/submit> (instructions here <http://esipfed.org/figshare>). The session lead should also record up to 3 take-aways from their session in the Meeting Take-Aways document <http://bit.ly/sm21takeaways>. These outputs will definitely receive more traffic after the Highlights Webinar.
> Of course if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to let me know. Thanks and have a wonderful week!
> Best,
> Megan
> -----------
> Megan Carter Orlando
> ESIP Community Director

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