[Esip-schema-dot-org] No telecon tomorrow
Adam Shepherd
ashepherd at whoi.edu
Wed Jul 26 14:25:14 EDT 2023
Hi folks, with the ESIP meeting just last week, we planned to skip this telecom and reconvene in August if there was significant interest in continuing to meet monthly. Thoughts?
If you are considering attending the AGU Fall Meeting, there is a schem.org session for your consideration. Thanks!
IN011 - Advancing scientific discovery through novel applications of schema.org
Cheers, Adam
Adam Shepherd
Co-Chair, ESIP schema.org Cluster
Mailing List:esip-schema-dot-org at lists.esipfed.org
Wiki: http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Schema.org_Cluster
ESIP Slack: https://esip-all.slack.com/messages/C8EACC8KT
Twitter: @ScienceOnSchema
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84043422486?pwd=bGM4YkFyMkFGSW1FZG5yaFRNaGNvdz09
Meeting ID: 840 4342 2486
Passcode: 940272
4th Thursday at 2:30pmET
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