[Esip-schema-dot-org] Telecon Recap
Adam Shepherd
ashepherd at whoi.edu
Thu Oct 26 15:55:32 EDT 2023
1. No SOSO telecons in Nov or Dec. Adam S. will work with ESIP to reschedule one before ESIP Winter Meeting
2. Steve reintroduced Issue #245 Identifiers for the metadata record
* For not creating a breaking change,
* Chuck mentioned use of Response headers to point to a metadata document
* Ruth mentioned the use of the inverse property `subjectOf`so that metadata coil be added to existing JSON-LD records about the actual “thing"
* Decided to allow community review with plans for discussion in Jan at proposed rescheduled telecon and/or ESIP Winter Meeting
3. Chuck will review PR to merge SOSO Tutorial into develop branch for release in 1.4
* https://github.com/ESIPFed/science-on-schema.org/pull/232
4. Reviewed Repository metadata from Issue #247 https://github.com/ESIPFed/science-on-schema.org/issues/247
* Concerns over missing semantics in new properties
* Seems like a worthwhile endeavor, but curious about the use cases
* Decided that contact with RDA Chair Michael Witt would be good to raise concerns about interoperability and semantics of proposed new fields.
* Ruth will email Michael to start a conversation
Adam Shepherd
Co-Chair, ESIP schema.org<http://schema.org> Cluster
Mailing List:esip-schema-dot-org at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-schema-dot-org at lists.esipfed.org>
Wiki: http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Schema.org_Cluster
ESIP Slack: https://esip-all.slack.com/messages/C8EACC8KT
Twitter: @ScienceOnSchema
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84043422486?pwd=bGM4YkFyMkFGSW1FZG5yaFRNaGNvdz09
Meeting ID: 840 4342 2486
Passcode: 940272
4th Thursday at 2:30pmET
On Oct 26, 2023, at 1:24 PM, Adam Shepherd <ashepherd at whoi.edu<mailto:ashepherd at whoi.edu>> wrote:
Hi folks,
Here is the agenda for today’s telecom (Google doc<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tIlDVnKeocO1E_SSbNaldv0avORfGFdmYDNk_3ub6ik/edit>)
1. Repository metadata consistency with RDA recommendations #247 (Matt Jones)
2. ESIP Winter Meeting joint session proposal: Towards a Trustworthy Data Network for Marine Data in the Ocean Decade
Cheers, Adam
Adam Shepherd
Co-Chair, ESIP schema.org<http://schema.org/> Cluster
Mailing List:esip-schema-dot-org at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-schema-dot-org at lists.esipfed.org>
Wiki: http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Schema.org_Cluster
ESIP Slack: https://esip-all.slack.com/messages/C8EACC8KT
Twitter: @ScienceOnSchema
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84043422486?pwd=bGM4YkFyMkFGSW1FZG5yaFRNaGNvdz09
Meeting ID: 840 4342 2486
Passcode: 940272
4th Thursday at 2:30pmET
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