[Esip-sciencesoftware] Sustainable Science Software at ESIP 2014 Summer Meeting

Christopher Lenhardt clenhardt at renci.org
Tue Feb 18 10:56:04 EST 2014

Greetings all:

You probably have seen the blurb below about the summer meeting via the ESIP-All list.  However, I wanted to send this around to the group to reiterate.  Sustainable Science Software is the theme of the summer meeting.  So now is our chance to make some specific proposals.

As I understand it, the deadline for submissions will be enforced this year. So we will want to make sure we don’t miss out on the opportunity to have an impact at the meeting.

We can make this the main topic of discussion at our next telecon, scheduled for March, 12  at 2pm (EST).  The session proposal deadline will be approximately 1 month after the call.

Clock is ticking. Get your creativity on…



W. Christopher Lenhardt
Domain Scientist, Environmental Data Sciences and Systems
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
100 Europa Drive, Suite 540
Chapel Hill, NC 27517-7583
Office: 919-445-0480

2104 ESIP Summer Meeting
The ESIP Summer Meeting<http://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=35073a8e90&e=27c72df3e8> theme was finalized by the ESIP Executive Committee. It is: "Linking It Together: Sustainable Software Advancing Science Data and Services."

Call for Proposals: We’re inviting proposals for sessions and presentations from technical practitioners, scientist and educators.We want to hear stories and innovation from around the Earth science community crossing sectors and organizations.  We’re interested in success stories and cautionary tales; best practices and abject failures; lessons of the past and visions of the future. Submit your ideas to the ESIP Commons<http://esipfed.us2.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=403d01d688&e=27c72df3e8> (Instructions<http://esipfed.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=1093c14d04&e=27c72df3e8>). Sessions are due by April 13.

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