[Esip-sciencesoftware] Feb telecon poll for Science Software ESIP group

Jim Bowring bowringj at cofc.edu
Mon Jan 23 14:34:45 EST 2017

All -

I heard back from Bob Downs, Ray Idaszak, Nick Weber, and Soren Scott - I
would say 5 makes a quorum.  Erin Robinson suggested I find an empty day
form here (http://esipfed.org/telecons) for a telecon.

Wednesday Feb 15 is wide open and I am available all day.  Please reply if
you are interested with suggested East Coast times on Feb 15 that you can
participate in a 60-minute max call.

Happy New Year!
- Jim

Jim Bowring
Public Relations Officer of the College of Charleston Chapter of Phi Kappa
C. Richard Crosby Distinguished Teaching Co-Chair
Principal Investigator, www.CIRDLES.org <http://www.cirdles.org>,
GitHub: https://github.com/bowring

Computer Science
College of Charleston
66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424

Google Voice: 843.608.1399 (preferred)
Google Email: bowring at gmail.com

Harbor Walk East (360 Concord Street) Room 308
bowringj at cofc.edu

R. Buckminster Fuller (1972):
If humanity is to survive aboard our planet, it must become universally
literate and preoccupied with inherently cooperative Comprehensive
Anticipatory Design Science in which every human is concerned with
accomplishing the comfortably sustainable well-faring of all other humans.
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