[Esip-sciencesoftware] Update

Jim Bowring bowringj at cofc.edu
Wed Apr 18 15:16:20 EDT 2018

All -

We had a great session today with Richard Allmendinger (see

We have no speaker for May 16 (3rd Wed) and I am asking one and all to
please see if we can meet the goal of finding someone in the next three

Also, I am stepping away from my coordinating role starting the end of May
through the end of October as I have a sabbatical and will be in Australia
for most of that time.

I am looking for volunteers to take over for the short or long haul - let
me know if you are interested.

We are slowly building a valuable archive of recorded presentations that
will be useful for years to come as a study in the details of science
software and how it is created and sustained.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

- Jim

Jim Bowring
President Elect and Public Relations Officer of the College of Charleston
Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi
C. Richard Crosby Distinguished Teaching Co-Chair
Principal Investigator, www.CIRDLES.org <http://www.cirdles.org>,
GitHub: https://github.com/bowring

Computer Science
College of Charleston
66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424

Google Voice: 843.608.1399 (preferred)
Google Email: bowring at gmail.com

Harbor Walk East (360 Concord Street) Room 308
bowringj at cofc.edu

R. Buckminster Fuller (1972):
If humanity is to survive aboard our planet, it must become universally
literate and preoccupied with inherently cooperative Comprehensive
Anticipatory Design Science in which every human is concerned with
accomplishing the comfortably sustainable well-faring of all other humans.
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