[Esip-sciencesoftware] ESIP Science Software Cluster status

Katz, Daniel S dskatz at illinois.edu
Wed Jan 29 05:10:18 EST 2020


I've just joined this list, in part because I co-led a session on software (https://sched.co/VaYC) at the Winter Meeting. In that session, we discussed some things that ESIP members could do, though many of them are also more broad than just Earth Science.  In particular, I've put together a slide on the session (at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1eyx24-Bn4CpDmab2-oy6ezV_gwsZwCV94-wo683fVtc/edit?usp=sharing) for the upcoming webinar on the meeting, and I'm trying to figure out what to say about next steps, such as using this cluster to discuss them.

This cluster doesn't seem to have regular meetings or ongoing activities that I can see, and I wonder if there's anyone on the list who would be willing to help reactivate it.  If so, please let me know, and perhaps we can pursue some of the session ideas here, or if not, I'll try to figure out another way to pursue them.

Daniel S. Katz
Assistant Director for Scientific Software and Applications, NCSA
Research Associate Professor, CS
Research Associate Professor, ECE
Research Associate Professor, iSchool
University of Illinois
(217) 244-8000
d.katz at ieee.org<mailto:d.katz at ieee.org> or dskatz at illinois.edu<mailto:dskatz at illinois.edu>

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