[Esip-semanticharmonization] Reminder to join Wednesday's (5/15/24) ESIP Semantic Harmonization Cluster 2 hour group meeting (4-6 Eastern US)

Kate Rose - NOAA Affiliate Kate.Rose at noaa.gov
Wed May 15 09:28:41 EDT 2024

Congrats on the new contract, Ruth!

I can attend at either time, but am not sure what time works best for
others- other than that earlier is better for Pier and later is better for
Brandon. Ruth, when would you be available in the future?

During the last call on 17 April I set up a CMECS-ENVO-SWEET
folder (please request access if you don't already have it) and will update
some information in there prior to today's call, please just let me know
which time slot you decide on.


On Tue, May 14, 2024 at 3:25 PM Gary Berg-Cross <gbergcross at gmail.com>

> Ruth, that's a good clarification.
>  I went by what was on the ESIP calendar as to meeting time so I am glad
> that you have clarified that weCODIL go back to the 2 PM Eastern time for
> the SH meeting.
>  Gary
> On Tue, May 14, 2024, 1:47 PM Gary Berg-Cross <gbergcross at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Wednesday
>> <https://www.esipfed.org/series/semantic-harmonization/>
>> Semantic Harmonization
>> <https://www.esipfed.org/event/semantic-harmonization-21/2024-05-15/> has
>> a joint meeting with
>> SWEET Working Session
>> <https://www.esipfed.org/event/sweet-working-session-11/2024-05-15/>
>> The main activity is to continue last month's harmonizing CMECS with
>> ENVO and SWEET using some ideas on core items to consider.
>> Meeting ID853 4485 3594
>>  Invite Link
>> https://esipfed-org.zoom.us/j/85344853594?pwd=cENuRUY1QW4wTDk2Z212K3cxSUVUQT09
>> https://esipfed-org.zoom.us/j/85344853594?pwd=cENuRUY1QW4wTDk2Z212K3cxSUVUQT09
>> Gary Berg-Cross
>> Potomac, MD
>> 240-426-0770
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