[Esip-semantictech] Nomination Committee/2021 Nominations and Ballot

Mcgibbney, Lewis J (172B) lewis.j.mcgibbney at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Aug 31 15:52:24 EDT 2020

Good Afternoon All,

That time in ESIP history has come again where we have the exciting task of nominating our next leaders.
For more details on the generals, please see https://wiki.esipfed.org/Nomination_Committee/2021_Nominations_and_Ballot
Specifically, we, as a community, are responsible for nominating one or more candidates capable of performing the role of ESIP Semantic Technologies Chair (https://wiki.esipfed.org/SemTech_Chair). These are copied below for convenience.

V.5.1 The ESIP Federation shall include a Standing Committee for Semantic Technologies. Its roles are:

  1.  To encourage and promote research and development of semantic technologies in support of Earth science data management, data discovery, data dissemination and data analysis
  2.  To collaborate with ESIP members, working groups, clusters, and standing committees to identify semantic methods and tools that support the adoption of semantic technologies within ESIP and across its member organizations.
  3.  To foster sharing and reuse of ontologies and controlled vocabularies within ESIP and its member organizations.
  4.  To provide a collaborative environment for the development of ontology-based standards and controlled vocabularies.
  5.  To maintain a long-term agenda and roadmap for integration and evaluation of semantic projects within ESIP.
  6.  To collaborate with external groups and agencies, including international organizations, on behalf of ESIP in regards to semantic technologies and furthering the aforementioned roles.

Since Beth Huffer passed the baton to me in 2018, I have performed the role of Chair with Pier Luigi Buttigieg as Co-Chair. I think it is certainly time for me to now pass the baton to someone else such that we can inject fresh leadership into our healthy community.

Anyone is free to nominate either themself or one or more others. In a bid to obtain support, it is always nice to make your nomination public via our Committee mailing list - esip-semantictech at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-semantictech at lists.esipfed.org>
When starting a nomination email thread please use a title as follows

[NOMINATION] Jane Doe for ESIP Semantic Technologies Committee Chair

Likewise, for Co-Chair

[NOMINATION] Jane Doe for ESIP Semantic Technologies Committee Co-Chair

I will state that it is ‘usually’ the practice that the existing Co-Chair (Pier Luigi Buttigieg) would naturally take on the role of Chair however the above mechanism allows open, inclusive input from the community. I hope that this is clear.

It’s been a real pleasure working with so many of you and hopefully assisting in growing our community within and out with ESIP. It’s truly been a pleasure and I personally feel that we made a lot of progress in the last two years. I want to thank you all for your support. Finally, I want to thank both Pier and our Fellows Zachary Robbins and Blake Regalia whose energy and enthusiasm makes being part of this community a pleasure not a chore. I will certainly continue to contribute and to move certain community initiatives onwards.

Thank you

Dr. Lewis John McGibbney Ph.D., B.Sc. (Hons)
Enterprise Search Technologist, Web and Mobile Application Development Group (172B)
Application, Consulting, Development and Engineering Section (1722)
Information and Technology Solutions Directorate
O (818) 393-7402  |  M (626) 487-3476

JPL  |  jpl.nasa.gov
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