[Esip-semantictech] Fwd: ThinkSpatial, Armin Haller, 4/8/2021

Brandon Whitehead whiteheadb at landcareresearch.co.nz
Wed Apr 7 16:05:51 EDT 2021

Apologies if duplicate.

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Subject:        Fwd: Reminder: ThinkSpatial, Armin Haller, 4/8/2021
Date:   Wed, 7 Apr 2021 10:26:20 -0700

T h i n k S p a t i a l

The UCSB forum on spatial technologies presents

What Are Links in Linked Open Data?
A Characterization and Evaluation of Links between
Knowledge Graphs on the Web

Armin Haller
Business Information Systems
Australian National University

Thursday, April 8, 2021, 3:00 p.m. (PT)

To register:

Zoom:  https://ucsb.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYtce-qpjspGtFALHDdrJaJ-Zt_6BbfRl2N
Linked Open Data promises to provide guiding principles to publish interlinked knowledge graphs on the web in the form of findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable datasets. I will argue that while as such, Linked Data may be viewed as a basis for instantiating the FAIR principles, there are still a number of open issues that cause significant data quality issues even when knowledge graphs are published as Linked Data. In this talk I will first define the boundaries of what constitutes a single coherent knowledge graph within Linked Data, i.e., present a principled notion of what a dataset is and what links within and between datasets are. I will also define different link types for data in Linked datasets and present the results of our empirical analysis of linkage among the datasets of the Linked Open Data cloud. Recent results from our analysis of Wikidata, which has not been part of the Linked Open Data Cloud, will also be presented.

Armin Haller is an Associate Professor of Business Information Systems at the Australian National University. His research interests include knowledge graph engineering, ontology engineering, linked data, the Internet-of-Things and the semantic Web in general. Haller has received funding from organizations including: the Department of Finance, to develop an ontology framework for government information and an open-source software that allows domain experts to maintain knowledge graphs called Schímatos<https://github.com/schimatos/schimatos.org>; and from the Australian Research Council’s Linkage Program, for a project with Sydney Trains. He has published in the premier journals and conferences in his field, including Semantic Web Journal, Journal of Web Semantics, Applied Ontology, World Wide Web Conference and the International Semantic Web Conference. Haller has been an active contributor to several W3C working groups and chaired the Semantic Sensor Network Ontology working group. This work has resulted in an international standard<https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-ssn/> for the description of sensors and actuators on the Internet-of-Things. Haller is a passionate evangelist of Open Government Data and, to this end, has chaired the Australian Government Linked Data Working Group<https://www.linked.data.gov.au/> for the past 7 years.

Karen Doehner
Admin. Coordinator
Center for Spatial Studies
(805) 895-2936


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