[Esip-semantictech] CGIAR Ontologies CoP webinar: Ontology tools provided by EBI: OLS, ZOOMA, OxO

Brandon Whitehead WhiteheadB at landcareresearch.co.nz
Tue Jun 1 20:08:53 EDT 2021


This webinar hosted by CGIAR Ontologies CoP may be of interest.

During this webinar, Henirette Harmse, software engineer at EBI, the
European Bioinformatics Institute, will present ontology tools provided
by the ontology tools team at EBI : OLS, ZOOMA and OxO. The tools are
used extensively by bioinformaticians, biocurators and biological
researchers both inside and outside of EBI.

OLS enables searches across 260+ ontologies representing 6.5 million
terms. Given a specific string of text, it is possible that multiple
terms may be suitable to represent the string of text. ZOOMA can be
used to guide curators in choosing the most suitable term representing
the string of text. In the case where a curator already has a term, but
this term is not from their preferred ontologies, OxO can be used to
try and map the given term to a term in a preferred ontology. We will
discuss these tools, how they are used, the benefits of using them and
some future considerations.

Link to register:

Brandon Whitehead (he/him)
Environmental Data Scientist
Manaaki Whenua -- Landcare Research
M +64 21 177 7217


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