[Esip-semantictech] Fwd: Invitation to a joint technical seminar on geoscience ontology and knowledge graph [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Brandon Whitehead WhiteheadB at landcareresearch.co.nz
Thu Sep 9 05:41:49 EDT 2021

FYI -- corrected link

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: RE: Invitation to a joint technical seminar on geoscience
ontology and knowledge graph
Importance: High

Apologies! Here is a corrected link for today


From: thorleif at umn.edu <thorleif at umn.edu>
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2021 7:19 AM
To: zminghua at mail.cgs.gov.cn; 'Kombada Mhopjeni' <
Kombada.Mhopjeni at mme.gov.na>; Michael.Sexton at ga.gov.au; 'Edd'' <
edlew at bgs.ac.uk>; kazu-miyazaki at aist.go.jp; C.Loiselet at brgm.fr;
m.rattenbury at gns.cri.nz; M.Beaufils at brgm.fr; eric.boisvert2 at canada.ca;
oliver.raymond at ga.gov.au; 'François Robida - PRO' <f.robida at outlook.fr>
; 'Boyan (NRCan/RNCan)'' <boyan.brodaric at canada.ca>;
smrtucson at gmail.com
Subject: Invitation to a joint technical seminar on geoscience ontology
and knowledge graph

Joint technical seminar on geoscience ontology and knowledge graph

Members and friends of relevant CGI, DDE, and Loop working groups, as
well as within partners such as OGC, OneGeology, and CGMW:

We are pleased to announce an informal joint technical seminar, on
September 9, 2021, 10 UTC, for 2.5 hours

Recipients of this email, please forward to key people, and members of
relevant working groups, who will be welcome to join without RSVP

Zoom link: https://umn.zoom.us/j/98693530058

Revised draft agenda
 10:00 Opening remarks from CGI, DDE, Loop, ICS
 10:15 Nicholas Car - ICS semantic time scale
 10:35 Mark Rattenbury, Eric Boisvert, Michael Sexton - GeoSciML Lite
 10:55 Prof Hu Xiumian - DDE knowledge system/graph
 11:15 Boyan Brodaric - Loop GeoScience Ontology
 11:35 Panel
 11:50 Discussion, next steps
12:30 Adjourn


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