[esip-semanticweb] data type and service ontology mtg afterESIP, Jan 8.

Kathleen S. Fontaine Kathleen.s.fontaine at nasa.gov
Thu Jan 7 14:50:28 EST 2010

The later in the morning, the better for me.  Otherwise, I'd have to call in. 

Kathy's BlackBerry sent this.

----- Original Message -----
From: esip-semanticweb-bounces at lists.esipfed.org <esip-semanticweb-bounces at lists.esipfed.org>
To: esip-semanticweb at rtpnet.org <esip-semanticweb at rtpnet.org>
Sent: Thu Jan 07 14:47:50 2010
Subject: Re: [esip-semanticweb] data type and service ontology mtg afterESIP, Jan 8.


Rob R: I can participate until about 2pm. We should include discussion  
of science ontology (SWEET) and its governance.

Chris L: I can do it, although I may need to duck out for an hour of  
time at 10:00.  But what are we going to cover? And at what point  
should we start integrating ontologies being developed in our  
community of practice?

Richard S:  I am planning to attend. Data and service ontologies.
I was going to talk to you for a couple of moments about DQSS.

Bob D.: I expect to be able to call in if that is an option.

John G: I might be able to jump in on occasion by telephone, but I'm  
guessing that'd be more disruptive than helpful.
FWIW, my ESIPFed status is a little murky at the moment anyway, since  
I've changed jobs.  Not sure who I talk to about that....

Deborah M: i could call in for portions of it if call in remote  
participation is useful and available.

Hook H: Though I would like to attend, I cannot make it this Friday  
due to a few other conflicts. I will be checking the Semantic Web  
cluster wiki to see what has transpired.

Kathy F: I’m interested... (smart search for GEOSS user registry)

Yuqi B: Chris, Peter, et al,
GEOSS Component and Service Registry is one of the corner stones of  
GEOSS Common Infrasture. The registry system working team (Prof.Liping  
Di's group at CSISS/GMU) is recently preparing the inputs for the  
During the AIP-3, we intend to evaluate how data type [dataset level],  
service type and domain knowledge ontologies could be leveraged to  
support end user's needs within GEOSS CSR. Could this be a starting  

Overall we would have

Peter, Rob, Chris, Kathy, Richard S. with maybe 2-3 call ins (yes, we  
can have a conf. phone).

- SWEET governance
- GEOSS user registry application - semantic web demo project?
- data type and service ontology

Based on this summary, would a face-to-face meeting be useful and if  
so how long and when
would we start?

Finally: weather - whose plans may get mashed up if DC receives more  
than an inch of snow?



On 06/01/2010, at 11:49 AM, Peter Fox wrote:

> Resend:
> Greetings all.
> There is interest in meeting after ESIP in DC on the Friday 9am-3pm  
> at the Palomar (Board
> Room) continuing the data type and service ontology work.
> We would need to scope what we would do, i.e. the task for the day.
> Please respond here to indicate interest and participation.
> At present, the option for call-in is uncertain. If we have this, it  
> will use the ESIP
> call in information available on the Semantic Web cluster wiki page.
> Thanks.
> ---Peter.
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