[esip-semanticweb] posted initial version of ToolMatch data model

Matt Jones jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
Fri Mar 2 14:12:10 EST 2012

Hi everyone --

We've thought about these issues of embedding identifiers in URIs for REST
calls in DataONE as well.  In particular, it gets a bit tricky when an
identifier is itself a URI, which you then want to embed inside a RESTful
URI, as the URI reserved characters in the identifier should technically be
escaped to properly represent a URI in another URI.  We've decided to
follow RFC 3986 closely on this point, and have a writeup of our approach
here (see in particular the section on 'Serializing' identifiers):

On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 9:42 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) <
chris.a.mattmann at jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:

In the above scenario, I'd advocate for:
> > http://toolmatch.esipfed.org/findtools/doi/10.1594/PANGAEA.695832
> > http://toolmatch.esipfed.org/findtoolsgcmd/dif/GES_DISC_AIRX3STD_V005
> Those are inherently more RESTful, and path parameter based.

We have similarly structured web URIs for DataONE, but we made the decision
to leave URI scheme prefixes intact when embedding URI identifiers.  So,
for example, the doi: prefix would stay as part of the URI of the
identifier, and reserved characters would be escaped.  So I would use a
single collection of resources with each identifier using its own URI
scheme like:

> http://toolmatch.esipfed.org/findtools/doi:10.1594%2FPANGAEA.695832<http://toolmatch.esipfed.org/findtools/doi/10.1594/PANGAEA.695832>
> http://toolmatch.esipfed.org/findtools/gcmd_dif:GES_DISC_AIRX3STD_V005<http://toolmatch.esipfed.org/findtoolsgcmd/dif/GES_DISC_AIRX3STD_V005>

Note that the "/" character in the DOI above was escaped so that it gets
properly represented in the string identifier, as opposed to being
interpreted as a path segment in the containing URI.   Alternatively, maybe
Chris is arguing to have each identifier type represented as a REST
collection of resources.  In which case I would argue for:

> http://toolmatch.esipfed.org/findtools/doi/10.1594%2FPANGAEA.695832<http://toolmatch.esipfed.org/findtools/doi/10.1594/PANGAEA.695832>
> http://toolmatch.esipfed.org/findtools/gcmd_dif/GES_DISC_AIRX3STD_V005<http://toolmatch.esipfed.org/findtoolsgcmd/dif/GES_DISC_AIRX3STD_V005>

The only difference there is that the URI scheme delimiter (:) has been
replaced with the path separator (/), but I didn't have to some how know
that the underscore in gcmd_dif is supposed to be replaced as in Chris'

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