[esip-semanticweb] ok, let's start with GCIS identifiers

Curt Tilmes Curt.Tilmes at nasa.gov
Sun Apr 1 10:49:06 EDT 2012

On 03/28/2012 04:17 PM, Lynnes, Christopher S. (GSFC-6102) wrote:
> http://globalchange.gov/dataset/gcmd/GES_DISC_AIRX3STD_V005
> http://globalchange.gov/dataset/doi/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/849


If you try to resolve those, what should get returned?

Using the content negotiation we've been discussing, if you request
those URIs, you get back different types based on the Accept header:

application/rdf\+xml    RDF
application/json        JSON
text/html (and default) HTML

You can also force those by simply appending ".html", ".rdf" or
".json" to the end of the URI.

What metadata fields should be returned for those?

For the DOI, one of the fields should always redirect to the data
center landing page (e.g. http://dx.doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/849).

It looks like

should we prefer one of those and do a redirect, or just
return the same info (including the sameAs) for each?

(Some people say always do a redirect to make clear the distinction
between the thing we're attaching the identifier to and the page
describing that thing.)

GCMD for GES_DISC_AIRX3STD_V005 refers to Online Resource

Presumably, if a DOI were assigned to that dataset, that URL would
be the 'landing page' for it.

Interestingly, the GCMD DIF for VG_GFE21
refers to a different page for Online Resource than the DOI:





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