[esip-semanticweb] ToolMatch SPARQL endpoint

Lynnes, Christopher S. (GSFC-6102) christopher.s.lynnes at nasa.gov
Sun Jun 17 15:00:50 EDT 2012

I put up a small ontology in Dydra with a SPARQL endpoint, so that we could start some experimentation. (In a pinch, it could also be used for the ToolMatch Talkoot, though we have hopes of a more user-friendly solution by then.)

I have added a new concept, DataCollectionAccess, that essentially combines a DataCollection with a DataAccess. Whereas any dataset offered through the WebMapService can reasonably be expected to work with a WMS client, the same does not hold with OPeNDAP.  For instance, point-time-series datasets are not usable in Panoply, even if offered through OPeNDAP.  Likewise, Level 2 swath data is not usable in GrADS, even if offered in OPeNDAP. Finally, there are still some quirks in OPeNDAP handlers that cause some gridded datasets not to be usable in Panoply.

The SPARQL endpont is: 


Here's a query that does the most basic functionality sought for ToolMatch, i.e., to identify the tools that work with a given dataset:

prefix toolmatch: <http://esipfed.org/toolmatch/0/2/ont.owl#>
prefix gcdif: <http://globalchange.gov/dataset/gcmddif/>

select ?dataset ?tool where {
    ?tool toolmatch:maps ?a .
    ?a a toolmatch:DataCollectionAccess .  
    ?a toolmatch:providesAccessFor ?dataset .
    ?a toolmatch:hasAccessibility ?access .
    ?tool toolmatch:maps ?dataset .
    ?dataset a toolmatch:DataCollection .

I'm no SPARQL expert, so there may be an easier way to do this, however...

Dr. Christopher Lynnes, NASA/GSFC, Code 610.2, 301-614-5185

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