[esip-semanticweb] Topics for the next telecon?

Peter Fox pfox at cs.rpi.edu
Fri Jun 22 14:34:26 EDT 2012

On 22/06/12 2:21 PM, Ruth Duerr wrote:
> I have a couple of questions for this group.  As everyone probably knows by now the GCMD folks have a new version of their science keywords out, it is SKOS based, and available as RESTful web services.  My question is what does the community think about this development?  In particular, what do you all think about it as it relates to SWEET which this body is theoretically maintaining.  As you all remember SWEET started out being compatible with the GCMD keywords.  Should it still be compatible?  Also, now how are we keeping SWEET updated?  NSIDC had been working with Rob on some changes needed to the sections that deal with sea ice related terminology.  Now what is going to happen to that work?

Thanks Ruth, part of an answer to your questions was on my LOTTD.

USC an ORNL are working on the ESIP ontology portal (should be available 
soon) which is intended to be a curated resource (and not just a place 
to put stuff).
The cluster has agreed on a lightweight oversight for this (some time back)

SWEET (and a few others) will go into it.

Thomas Huang from JPL is picking up the development piece of SWEET and 
is eager to work with the cluster/ESIP to that end (in a sense, stepping 
in for Rob).

I've added this topic, and especially your question of the nature of the 
relation between SWEET and GCMD, to our next telecon agenda which is 
nominally next Tuesday at 4pm EDT.


> Thanks,
> Ruth
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