[esip-semanticweb] some sample rules for ToolMatch rules

Eric Rozell rozele at rpi.edu
Mon Dec 3 23:15:48 EST 2012

FYI, I've posted a new version of the ToolMatch ontology (including all examples below, for now ignoring the constraints) here:

I chose one of Chris's examples from below and showed some Turtle RDF/OWL that computes the rule.

Note, I've added two new top-level concepts to the ontology per Chris's examples:
* toolmatch:DataFormat - covers things like "XML", "NetCDF4", or "NetCDF5" as certain tools expect datasets to have a specific serialization
* toolmatch:DataConvention - covers things like the use of CF-1 conventions in a dataset.

Feel free to make edits/suggestions


On Dec 3, 2012, at 9:04 PM, Eric Rozell wrote:

> Also, we should start discussing what sort of metadata should be captured for tools and datasets.
> I.e., for tools, should there be a link to documentation, source download, etc.?
> For datasets, what things should we capture besides the basics required to classify (i.e., what else besides the attributes listed in the rules below)?
> On Dec 3, 2012, at 8:59 PM, Eric Rozell wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> I'm trying to convert these to DL rules, here are some clarification questions:
>> Can you elaborate on the following statement?
>>> o  is on a regular lat/lon grid OR contains auxiliary coordinates for a lat/lon grid
>> What is a "regular lat/lon grid" and what are "auxiliary coordinates for lat/lon grid"?
>> Is there something more specific than CF-1 that could be used?  It seems there are at least 6 versions of CF, 1.0 through 1.5.  Is there a specific subset of these that you refer to?
>> Cheers,
>> -Eric
>> On Oct 30, 2012, at 4:29 PM, Lynnes, Christopher S. (GSFC-6102) wrote:
>>> Here are some sample rules, in pseudo-English, that describe some of the relationships.  Note that there are almost always some exceptions, usually due to bugs in tool or server code, or edge cases of data structures that technically meet conventions, but stretch them to the breaking point.
>>> BTW, here is the wiki page for ToolMatch:  http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/ToolMatch
>>> Feel free to suggest your own rules!
>>> If a data product 
>>> o  is netCDF OR is available via OPeNDAP
>>> o  follows CF-1 conventions for coordinates
>>> o  is on a regular lat/lon grid OR contains auxiliary coordinates for a lat/lon grid
>>> Then the following tools can visualize it on a map:
>>> o  Panoply
>>> o  IDV
>>> o  McIDAS-V
>>> If a data product 
>>> o  is netCDF OR is available via OPeNDAP
>>> o  follows CF-1 conventions for coordinates
>>> o  is on a regular lat/lon grid
>>> Then the following tools can visualize it on a map:
>>> o  GrADS
>>> o  Ferret
>>> If a data product 
>>> o  is netCDF OR is available via OPeNDAP
>>> o  follows CF-1 conventions for coordinates
>>> o  is on a regular lat/lon grid
>>> Then the following tools can visualize it on a map:
>>> o  GrADS
>>> o  Ferret
>>> If a data product 
>>> o  is netCDF OR is available via OPeNDAP
>>> o  follows CF-1 conventions for coordinates
>>> o  contains auxiliary coordinates for a lat/lon grid
>>> Then the Ferret can visualize it as a grid.
>>> If a data product is offered through:
>>> o  Hyrax
>>> o  THREDDS Data Server
>>> o  GrADS Data Server
>>> o  erddap
>>> Then it is available through OPeNDAP
>>> There are exceptions to these rules of course:  data products that contain variables over 15 characters, or more than one vertical dimension, are problematic for GrADS, requiring significant extra work (control/XDF files vs. use of the sdfopen command).  Also, the rules for HDF4 and HDF5 are more complicated, but would look similar to these.
>>> Is this enough to start with?
>>> BTW, are we still on for tomorrow afternoon? I have another telecon earlier in the day.  Assuming I lose power, my cell phone may or may not last through the second one...
>>> --
>>> Chris Lynnes
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