[esip-semanticweb] First telecon for 2013 ESDSWG Working Group - Publishing NASA Metadata for Semantic Mashups (Feb. 19, 4 PM ET)

Wilson, Brian D (335G) bdwilson at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Feb 11 18:40:29 EST 2013


It is time to get rolling on the "Semantic Mashups" working group.

I'm sending this email to you because you indicated at the November
meeting that you wanted to "contribute" to this effort (see email below
from Steve Olding).

I suggest that we try to use the same telecon time as the Semantic
Cluster for the ESIP Federation, since we need to coordinate our
activities with that cluster.  I also want to get participation from
some of the folks active in that cluster (e.g. RPI folks).

That time is Tuesday afternoon:
   Tuesday 1300 PT/1400 MT/1500 CT/1600 ET/2100 UT

So let's have the kickoff telecon next week on Tuesday, Feb. 19
at 4 PM ET.

 - Discuss logistics for the WG
 - Go over the proposed activities and possibly modify
 - Have contributors begin working on first tasks

The proposed activities for the WG are described here:

I will be transferring this content to the new wiki for the WG's soon.

If this is truly a horrible telecon time for you, or you can't
make it next week, then email me and let me know.

If there are many objections, then I will put up a Doodle poll
to pick a new time.  However, I would like to avoid this if

Talk to you soon,

 -- Brian

From: Steve Olding [solding at columbususa.com]
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 2:16 PM
To: Wilson, Brian D (335G)
Cc: luther.lighty-1 at nasa.gov
Subject: 2013 ESDSWG Working Groups - Publishing NASA Metadata for Semantic Mashup


Below is the list of people who have expressed interest in this working group. Also attached is copy of the sign-up sheets from the ESDSWG meeting.

I suggest that you make initial contact the people who had shown an interest in actively participating in this group (leader or contributor) and confirm that they are still interested. You should also take a look at the people who added their names to the old wiki - some of these were unable to attend the meeting and may be interested in getting actively involved.  Your objective should be to identify the small group of people who are willing to commit to actively contributing to this activity. All of the WGs have a long list of people who are interested as 'observers' but we can deal with these later. Let's try to identify the people who will actually be contributing to this group first.


Brian Wilson    brian.d.wilson at nasa.gov<mailto:brian.d.wilson at nasa.gov>
Hook Hua    hook.hua at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:hook.hua at jpl.nasa.gov>

Anne Wilson    anne.wilson at lasp.colorado.edu<mailto:anne.wilson at lasp.colorado.edu>
Benjamin White
Beth Huffer    beth at lingualogica.net<mailto:beth at lingualogica.net>
Bhaskar Ramachandran    bhaskar at usgs.gov<mailto:bhaskar at usgs.gov>
Brendan Billingsley    billinb at nsidc.org<mailto:billinb at nsidc.org>‎
Christopher Lynnes    chris.lynnes at nasa.gov<mailto:chris.lynnes at nasa.gov>
Dan Pilone    dan at element84.com<mailto:dan at element84.com>
Deana Pennington    ddpennington at utep.edu<mailto:ddpennington at utep.edu>
Kathleen Baynes    kathleen.baynes at nasa.gov<mailto:kathleen.baynes at nasa.gov>
Rahul Ramachandran    rahul.ramachandran at uah.edu<mailto:rahul.ramachandran at uah.edu>
Ted Habermann    ted.habermann at noaa.gov<mailto:ted.habermann at noaa.gov>

Curt Tilmes
Meemong Lee

Andrew Michaelis
Armando Barreto
Dave Meyer
Helen Conover
Jason Hyon
Luther Lighty
Pamela Rinsland
Randy Dye
Valeriy Kovalskyy

Mike Little

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