[esip-semantictech] Interoperability and Semantic Tech recommended practices

soren scott sorenscott at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 16:10:03 EDT 2016


For those that might not know, Products & Services is revising and
expanding our software assessment guidelines this year. We started
developing an outline of what a set of guidelines might include for
interoperability last week and it includes a couple of semantic
tech-specific areas, specifically related to web services/applications.
We'd like to expand the guidelines to include interoperability and, in
that, semantic tech specific information.

If we start from a very basic "progression":

   1. Provides a data dictionary in the documentation
   2. Provides payload in standard format (RDF, JSON-LD, etc)
   3. Provides codelist/controlled vocabulary as a service
   4. Provides ontology/vocabulary service

What characteristics do you look for in a "good" or "mature" service,
particularly for #3 and 4? What is implementable now and what is an ideal?
What we're looking for are things like you have to have persistent
dereferencable URIs (implementable now) or you have a notification system
(mailing list, etc) and you've committed to a deaccession plan in your
documentation somewhere (an ideal but something we'd like to encourage).
And any references related, absolutely fantastic.

So actionable, not prescriptive (examples are great, though), from a server
or client app. Also if there's anything particular to semtech services not
captured in the above, that would also be much appreciated.

Basically, what you tell someone standing up solid semweb services?



Soren Scott
Research Coder
The Ronin Institute for Independent Scholarship
soren.scott at ronininstitute.org

just a head's up - taking a bit of a sabbatical so if i don't
get back to you right away, no worries.
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